Lily AnneMarie Mac
Sunday, April 15, 2012
2012 ..boy has time gone sooooo fast !!

Hello ~~
I know that it's been such a long time. Lily has kept us pretty busy. A typical 2 yr old! But I can say she is such a loving child Super polite and soooooo SMART. A friend did tell me that once we got thru all the hospital stuff in the beginning, that it would be a distant memory, and by the grace of God our 5 weeks in Woman/Children's Hospital of Buffalo are just a memory !! Thank You Jesus for that ! Here are some current pictures of our Princess !!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
It's been Awhile!!
I know that it has been a long time since we have posted about Lily. To sum it up she is a wonderful, happy little princess !!! We have heard many times that we are so lucky! I say that we are blessed. Thank You Jesus for our Princess!! She is growing so fast and is sooooo smart. It's amazing to me !!! Here are some pictures of our Baby Girl !!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
06/24/2010 New Pictures
We thought we should let everyone know that everything is going along perfectly. Lily is still a wonder. She's had a couple bouts of sickness, little colds that gave her this horrible cough and wreaked havoc with her breathing, but she was a trooper and barely made a whimper about it. She sleeps through the night amazingly (8-10 hours per night -- THANK YOU LILY!!!). She is almost 6 months old now, and all of the hospital business seems more like a dream than a memory. We are still so very thankful for everyone's prayers!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Wow --- Home for 2 Months Now!!!
Hi everyone . . . so . . . we have been home for two months and this is my first update in a about a month and a half. Ugh. So sorry all. On the drive home every day from work, I tell myself, "Today is the day I update the blog...." then I get home, and I just can't take my eyes off of Lily. As it is right now, she is laying next to me on the couch, sucking on her fingers, and cooing and I just know this update will take me an hour to post! Oh well, if it does it does! So be it!
Let's see, so much to tell -- but it all boils down to one thing. Lily is an amazing baby!! She sleeps great, eats wonderfully, has a sweet demeanor, and is generally one of the happiest babies I have ever been around. She smiles regularly now. In fact, today we heard her first giggle! She loves to talk. Her favorite is a sweet, high pitched "owwwwwwwww." She only gets cranky for three things. 1.) She's hungry 2.) She's tired and 3.) Her diaper is wet. She can sit in a stinky diaper, but God forbid if there's a drop of pee in there. Too Funny!
We've had two appointments with the Dr. Caty and he says she is coming along beautifully. No restrictions! Her primary doctor has seen her about 5 times and she is always amazed with Lily's health and progress.
The most amazing thing to me is her control. She's been holding her head up for a month now. She is so strong. I think she will be sitting up soon.
Well, Lily has fallen asleep on my chest, and I am typing left I will post pictures and be gone.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
February 15th, 2010
Wow . . . we have been home over a week now and it's getting tougher to come on here to update. Not for any real reason other than we are at a comfortable place and there has been no excitement. Not that all the time spent in the NICU was exciting, but it certainly was worthy of updates on a regular basis to let everyone know what Lily went thru that day and how we felt.
Late last week I joked with Tracy that I should update this blog with a simple:
UPDATE: Eat, sleep, poop, cry, eat, sleep, poop, cry . . . etc.
That is pretty much the extent of it. And that is a WONDERFUL thing! We don't like excitement. We would much prefer that Lily keeps it boring for a long time. Let her get over the difficult first month of her life. Let US get over the difficult first month of her life!
Sounds good to us!
So . . . Let's see. . . eat, sleep, poop, cry is a pretty accurate update. Although, Lily doesn't really cry that much. She really only cries when she's hungry or when her diaper is wet (she seems to enjoy when her diaper is chunky....sorry, but it's true!) She sleeps unbelievably well. Overnight, Lily would probably sleep much longer than we let her. At the hospital's direction, we wake her up at least in the 5th hour to feed her. Although, last night we let her sleep and she slept from 10pm until 5:45 this morning. What a good girl!!
Last week, Lily caught her first cold. It's bound to happen!! She had a very stuffed up nose, and luckily it didn't seem to aggrevate her too much. She slept fine and got a little fussy here and there, but we would just take the little bulb thingy (whatever it's called) and suck out the little nasties and she would be fine. She is still a little junky, but getting better.
She really is quite the perfect child so far. She loves to be held and talked to, isn't a fan of extended stays in the swing (she'll put up with it for about 5 minutes before deciding she wants out), and finds anything to stare at for 10 minutes at a time.
As for eating, there was one thing that we were told could be a "side-effect" of her surgery. That is reflux and vomiting. She has done pretty well with both so far. She is on Zantac as a preventative measure for reflux. She really has only spit up maybe three or four times - which is actually better that a typical baby. Tracy and I have noticed that her spit ups are pretty obvious, so we've been able to avoid those. She gets a look on her face just before she spits up. She starts to move her tongue in her mouth a lot and lifts up her chin. As long as we notice that and lift her to a more upright position, she seems to avoid spitting up. We just make sure that we keep her from laying down for about an hour after she eats. It's worked very well!!
Until next time, enjoy some pictures:
For those who say I don't put enough pictures of myself on here....duh!! now you see why!??

Sleeping on Daddy's comfy belly

Girlie Girl!
Late last week I joked with Tracy that I should update this blog with a simple:
UPDATE: Eat, sleep, poop, cry, eat, sleep, poop, cry . . . etc.
That is pretty much the extent of it. And that is a WONDERFUL thing! We don't like excitement. We would much prefer that Lily keeps it boring for a long time. Let her get over the difficult first month of her life. Let US get over the difficult first month of her life!
Sounds good to us!
So . . . Let's see. . . eat, sleep, poop, cry is a pretty accurate update. Although, Lily doesn't really cry that much. She really only cries when she's hungry or when her diaper is wet (she seems to enjoy when her diaper is chunky....sorry, but it's true!) She sleeps unbelievably well. Overnight, Lily would probably sleep much longer than we let her. At the hospital's direction, we wake her up at least in the 5th hour to feed her. Although, last night we let her sleep and she slept from 10pm until 5:45 this morning. What a good girl!!
Last week, Lily caught her first cold. It's bound to happen!! She had a very stuffed up nose, and luckily it didn't seem to aggrevate her too much. She slept fine and got a little fussy here and there, but we would just take the little bulb thingy (whatever it's called) and suck out the little nasties and she would be fine. She is still a little junky, but getting better.
She really is quite the perfect child so far. She loves to be held and talked to, isn't a fan of extended stays in the swing (she'll put up with it for about 5 minutes before deciding she wants out), and finds anything to stare at for 10 minutes at a time.
As for eating, there was one thing that we were told could be a "side-effect" of her surgery. That is reflux and vomiting. She has done pretty well with both so far. She is on Zantac as a preventative measure for reflux. She really has only spit up maybe three or four times - which is actually better that a typical baby. Tracy and I have noticed that her spit ups are pretty obvious, so we've been able to avoid those. She gets a look on her face just before she spits up. She starts to move her tongue in her mouth a lot and lifts up her chin. As long as we notice that and lift her to a more upright position, she seems to avoid spitting up. We just make sure that we keep her from laying down for about an hour after she eats. It's worked very well!!
Lily also had her first couple doctor's appointments. She met with her pediatrician and also with her surgeon, Dr. Caty. Both were uneventful! We tried to get a picture of Lily with Dr. Caty, but our camera ran out of batteries!! =(
Until next time, enjoy some pictures:
For those who say I don't put enough pictures of myself on here....duh!! now you see why!??
Sleeping on Daddy's comfy belly
Girlie Girl!
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